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Projekt GB 2/19/02 APRODELDIe Bauerin und Coiffeuse Djenabu TurŽ vor ihrem Haus in Bamtamjan, im Osten Guinea-Bissaus. Dank der Unterstuetzung der Vereinigung APRODEL konnte sie ihren Anbau von Suesskartoffeln und damit Ihr Einkommen vervielfachen. Jetzt traeumt sie von einem Frisiertisch fuer ihren Coiffeursalon, einem Fernseher und neuen Moebeln. Sie ist geschieden und seit vielen Jahren bei APRODEL dabei. Dort hat sie auch einen Mikrokredit bekommen.


Education, Literacy and Autonomy for Women

A project under the aegis of Swissaidthat strives to strengthen the social and economic position of women. Illiteracy is one of the main reasons for poverty and denies a large proportion of women in Guinea-Bissau access to the labor market and to credits and excludes them from political participation. This Swissaid project, which is run in partnership with local women's groups and is state-recognized, makes an important contribution to improving this situation.

Adriana is a 10 year old Salvadoran girl. Although in school, she was two years behind other children her age after falling behind in her studies and repeating primary school. After her teachers noticed she was older than the other children in her class, they encouraged her to take part in a programme developed by Plan International and the Ministry of Education designed to support girls and boys who have dropped out of school or fallen behind in their lessons.Through our Accelerated Education programme, educational opportunities have been expanded and spaces opened where children can acquire the necessary knowledge. Intensive classes are offered from Monday to Friday which are divided in two shifts - 7am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm. At the same time, children have their performance closely monitored and receive psychological assistance to increase their self-esteem and identify the barriers that keep them from attending school.

El Salvador

Educatech Project

A project under the aegis of Plan International Schweiz.

The aim of this project is to break down gender roles and improve the long-term prospects of girls and their families by motivating and promoting young women to pursue training in STEM professions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics).


foto Wonder Foundation


Empowering 20 Cameroonian Young Women to Thrive

A Project under the asupices of Wonder Foundation to support socially disadvantaged young women in aquiring the necessary skills to be able to lead a financially independent life. The project takes into account the entirety of the young women’s circumstances and involves their families and environments as well. A special memtoring program is used to create a longlasting effect.

Adriana is a 10 year old Salvadoran girl. Although in school, she was two years behind other children her age after falling behind in her studies and repeating primary school. After her teachers noticed she was older than the other children in her class, they encouraged her to take part in a programme developed by Plan International and the Ministry of Education designed to support girls and boys who have dropped out of school or fallen behind in their lessons.Through our Accelerated Education programme, educational opportunities have been expanded and spaces opened where children can acquire the necessary knowledge. Intensive classes are offered from Monday to Friday which are divided in two shifts - 7am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm. At the same time, children have their performance closely monitored and receive psychological assistance to increase their self-esteem and identify the barriers that keep them from attending school.

El Salvador

Educatech Project

A project under the aegis of Plan International Schweiz.

The aim of this project is to break down gender roles and improve the long-term prospects of girls and their families by motivating and promoting young women to pursue training in STEM professions (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). This is a continuation of a project we supported last year.

EEF St. Martin Girl Secondary School 2022 (1)


EEF: St. Martin Seconday School for Girls

This secondary school is located in a rural area of Tansania and provides young women with an officially recognized education. The main purpose of this program is to help these young women to gain better selfconfidence, improve their chances for professional success and to reach their personal goals in life.




Bildung mit Fokus auf Mädchen, Kantché, Niger

A project under the auspices of SOS Kinderdorf Switzerland which supports governmental efforts to make sure girls get a proper school education and graduate. An emphasis is put on sensibilization of parents and legal guardians, teachers and local authorities in order to bring about longterm structural change towards equality in opportunities for for girls and boys.



Projet Profemmes 2022, Madurai, Indien

A project by the Non-Proft organization, Association des Amis du Sakthi Children’s Home, which supports orphaned girls and young women from lower casts in southern India. In the organization’s orphanage these girls receive a school education and can then continue to get a vocational training as tailors or in IT in the associated center for vocational training.

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4059 Basel Switzerland

+41 79 794 73 24

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